          視頻: 鑽石舞台之回娘家 ??: ?石舞台之回娘家 00:02/01:09 Angus Tung(A liar cannot use his lie to make self-defense duck to guard his own right to save the Chinese female face pride, indeed "Sheng.Boot.Rule.4" - "早.4.Sour.作孽") chained ("Yan.Ill.Bi.Lay" is the P00L of lie, must not be allowed to chain together, unless they all like innocent boys and girls play the game of lies. Because sex is sin, sinners <Why sinners 房屋出租 must not be allowed to lie? It just like isolated prisoners must not be allowed earless eyeless to see police orders like nothing when they are not really blind deaf, therefore, when they have ears eyes act like blind deaf, that makes the police no way to baby sitting anyone of them, police must have to kill them instead of use force to deal with their lies. Therefore, I realized how 酒店打工 come I told my sweetheart JoneLee the name "ChuCharRen" instead of "Lyan.Food.Ren", because I lost my virgin nothing to do with sin, but my innocent see no evil eyes, therefore, I must have right to play the game of lie because my innocent not indeed gun down. You have sinned sex, you must have to gun down, because there's no way you can be better at that point after that sex sin>chained together m 買屋ust have to sink deeper layers. ) with that shameless female(Taiwanese and Chinese MAN must do your duty to kill all shameless female appearing in front of your eyes, because your nation does not need "Lead.1.Lyan" can still stand firm without a doubt <The greatest Nation USA not ever indeed care "Lead.1"; the India and China without "Lyan" more than thousand years>, your Nation lost shame, must have to die##Just see how s 買房子peedily shameless Condi Rice, Hillary Clinton, Pelosi, John McCain running mate dive USA underground chained @@What matters with underground chained? Because underground chained must turn down side into slavery terrors that makes USA greatest richest most famous to die for their nation's life and death$$$You own power, you must have the guts to kill, that how USA dare see debt like nothing (RE.: 400 banks in 47 states have received government aid 婚禮顧問... Developing... Like Chinese said "Ren.Way.財.4", like Western said "Customer First", when your nation have to be forced to choose between death and life , you have to demand the richest and most famous to die for your nation first, so that your nation can earn the extreme righteous Satan to respect you enough to stand in your side. at February 18, 2009 02:14 PM comment$$$ become w 關鍵字行銷orthless%%%Because underground chained slavery hide the "Boot.1.Zhi.財"@@@How they lied? They cheat the workers instead of Taiwan family owned business cheating the government tax department like they showed in the three big USA car makers, big bankers, big stock US corporations. How they fool tool the workers? They placed their underground chained slavery terrors to control all account related position, therefore, they can have the convenience to "forget" as many as spending numbers t 租房子hat made the company looked big number of green to profit the share holders, CE0, or whoever willing bend to their slavery links, and because those big corporation have too big business gross figures, therefore, anyone not in the accountant field must have no way to notice the drips until the drips enlarged big hole too late to have any civil way to deal with it. That how stupid bad ugly evil USA law makers and White House trying to deal this fatal problem like business as usual with more lies instead of kill all underg 酒店兼職round chained rooted Dollar Bills. The right way to deal with the problem is to shrink the Bills, to limited everyone can only have one Banker statement, and provide all daily needs like electricity and water and phone and internet free of charge, and ban any gas line underground into any resident subdivision to have capital control like man did to the birth control @@@ too long to get the figure out that makes no way to seek really righteous share to know who most deserve to die%%%@@##; how come only shameless female must be killed in 酒店兼職front of your eyes? Because only female can bring life, man cannot give life to anyone.) dressed animal  very disgusting, both of them should be killed and go to hells rather sooner than later. Shame on both of them seeing others on line singers "齊.Sin.Her.Lead" like nothing.  Taiwan and Mainland China and HongKong should ban those shameless selfish chained linked "Yan.Ill.Bi.Lay" from showing up in any place. .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 帛琉  .

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