          前世今生大解謎(2/8):因篤信佛法吃素進而開店 前世今生大解謎(2/8):因篤信佛法 酒肉朋友/span>吃 591素進而開店 票貼h?v=kCfqIqPGV0U&NR=1 That female dressed animal is 土地買賣a liar, tool the name of 佛 to fool your eyes, tool the name of 素 to take awa 賣屋y your fence; do not fooled by her "Reserve" only lies, keep in mind "Burma" and "Thailand" are ri 買屋ch and famous about most addictable invisible drugs. Taiwan government should investigate all that female animal 裝潢 linked group, and investigate anyone ever tasted her dish, and investigate why her restaurant not dare hang the Restaurant sigh like regular r 居酒屋estaurant owner must have to do.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 會場佈置  .

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